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Showing posts from February, 2021


When Sis Jayne first messaged me to speak at my church for our women's service I thought she meant to get someone else. But I know that I was meant to speak. She told me our topic was the Marriage Supper. The tile we are giving is “You Are Invited” my subtitle is “ Be His Guest ” get it like Beauty and the Beast. Don’t let that one reference fool you I know nothing about Disney!   But something about that title is so warm and inviting to me. To be included, isn’t that what we all want? In Matthew 22 Jesus is telling a parable about a wedding banquet. He compares the kingdom of heaven to a king preparing a wedding banquet for his son. He had specific people that were invited as you would any wedding right? He had prepared this marvelous feast for them.   The ironic part is no one on the list accepted his invite. Anyone see a problem with this? Like I’m sorry I’m a big girl and if you tell me food is going to be there I AM THERE. No questions asked… ANYWAYS, as I read it, it surprise