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When Sis Jayne first messaged me to speak at my church for our women's service I thought she meant to get someone else. But I know that I was meant to speak. She told me our topic was the Marriage Supper. The tile we are giving is “You Are Invited” my subtitle is “Be His Guest” get it like Beauty and the Beast. Don’t let that one reference fool you I know nothing about Disney! But something about that title is so warm and inviting to me. To be included, isn’t that what we all want?

In Matthew 22 Jesus is telling a parable about a wedding banquet. He compares the kingdom of heaven to a king preparing a wedding banquet for his son. He had specific people that were invited as you would any wedding right? He had prepared this marvelous feast for them. The ironic part is no one on the list accepted his invite. Anyone see a problem with this? Like I’m sorry I’m a big girl and if you tell me food is going to be there I AM THERE. No questions asked…ANYWAYS, as I read it, it surprised me. Why would you not go and be apart of something that is guaranteed to be a blessing?The amazing thing about the story of the wedding is the kings response to the declinations. Matthew 22:9-10 it says, "So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests."

There was a season in my life where I was declining the gift that is Jesus Christ. I was going through what I considered and many would describe as hell. To name a few I had been taken advantage of for years emotionally, mentally, and physically. I had been taking care of my mother for the last couple years. I was the only child living at home. I then lost her and moved in with my aunt temporarily. I was humiliated for what felt like years by the only people I knew (aka church folk) through words, looks and judgement. My dad took sports away from me which was my only outlet. One of my family members blamed me for my mother’s death and I blamed myself. I was being put into a new school with brand new people who thought I came straight from Africa with my name. No for real, I walked into the school and they were highly confused. Like "uhhh she a light bright and speaks ebonics - not because she is foreign—she’s just ghetto." Oh did I mention I had severe insomnia and when I actually did sleep I was dreaming about the night I called the police for my mother not realizing that was the last time she would be in our home. 

So you can say I become extremely numb, I went through a long season of not caring what happened. Which means I did a lot of dumb things. I was spiritually dry. Like brittle, touch me and I would crumble internally. Oh let me remind you that I am a pastor’s kid and so I lived under a microscope. I am not telling you all of this for pity. I don’t like it or want it. Im telling you I was invited but due to my circumstances and perspective I chose to declined God’s invitation for Him to be the central focus in my life. 

In that same parable God said in Matthew 22:14 For many are invited, but few are chosen.” The amazing thing about God is His invite doesn’t expire. As long as you are on this earth you are invited. He is always there with open arms and I am so grateful for it. After many attempts to show his love towards me it was only after I accepted His invitation to know Him personally, that I began to see hope and feel love. Its crazy because I was born into this. It should have been automatic but honestly, I don’t know where that notion comes from. We are humans too that must create our own relationship with Christ. I was full of shame and guilt because I have known nothing else yet I went through close to a decade of feeling further from Him than every before. Spiritually, I was dead. I wasn’t mad at God but I wasn’t trying to be friends with Him either. 

Ezekiel 37:4-6 says “Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath[a] enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’” This scripture reminds me of the book The Giver, have you read it? You know how they see in black and white and those who are chosen see in color? Thats how I felt when I read the gospel for the first time in my life—LAST YEAR! Don’t get me wrong I know the gospel story but when I read it for myself I began to see in color. I began to understand God’s grace and mercy. When I understood that I hadn’t gone so far that He would revoke the invite there was a heaviness that lifted. Because of my past I didn’t feel worthy but I knew He was the answer for my spiritual dry bones. I knew he would still accept me. 

I hope you know He is still inviting you. He still wants you to open up your heart to Him. No matter what you have been through or what you have done. 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.Be vulnerable with Him. He will never play with your heart. He is intentional and not only wants you to be invited as a guest but he wants you to be his Bride. He is a gentleman; he is simply waiting. Revelations 3:20 says He stands at the door and knocks” He’s waiting for us to open the door of our hearts and accept his invitation. It’s his desire that we all accept Him into our lives through forgiveness, and baptism. Remember many are invited but few are chosen? Will you be chosen?

I encourage you to get to know Him intimately, I challenge you to put aside your guilt and your shame and open your Heart. You Are Invited!

Wish Me Love 💜


  1. ❤️ “ Matthew 22:14 “For many are invited, but few are chosen.” So unbelievably true... when i went through my incident in my book and started getting back to the gospel it was like blinders were lifted. I read the bible knowing that i had doe. It before and wondering how i could ever forget them. Then it just clicked, whom am i trying to please with the way i was acting and the things i was chasing. God is the only person who will never abandon or fail me. Even after my sin he still wants me. I choose him.

    1. Ugh I love this response AJ seriously, its so true. Its amazing the revelation that comes once the blind are lifted. Thanks for reading :)


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