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What makes something valuable? Objects are often given value based on who the creator is. For example, the Mona Lisa is valuable because the artist is Leonardo Da Vinci. The value has already been determined. After all, it is arguably the most famous painting in the entire world. But, the amount of care given to the Mona Lisa in the museum is what I am interested in. 

As you may know the Mona Lisa sits in a glass box and is displayed behind a velvet rope. This speaks volumes to me in many aspects about the boundaries we must place to emphasize our worth. When I think of the precautions that the museum takes to keep the integrity of the painting in pristine condition, I can't help but parallel it with how we should treat ourselves. So let's talk about our worth. 

Our value is based on a man coming to earth specifically to die on a cross and save us from our sins. He paid the ultimate price and placed our value over His life. If that is not the highest level of value I am not sure what is. Our value was determined by our creator, Jesus Christ. He created us and then came to save us. We are the most valued objects on earth. The problem is that we often don't see ourself as prized. As I said in my last blog--this is a lie. Period. It's a lie. No matter if it's how we feel or not; it is a lie. Now that we know we are the most value object on earth, we must treat ourselves as such. 

So let's go back to the boundaries placed around Mona Lisa. There are three visual layers to Mona Lisa's security (there are so many more I'm sure--liked physical security guards, cameras, locks and probably like a laser gun to disintegrate anything that passes a certain point...ok maybe not that much security). The first layer is the glass box that encompasses the actual painting. This is the deepest level of security; it only allows for those with a proven track record of treating prized possession with the high level of care in. The museum knows this through an intense vetting process and skills testing. They need to be able to TRUST the person to take care of the valuable pieces of art; this can only be proven through time and integrity. Do the people closest to you treat you with care? Have they proven to have your best interests at heart? Have they been vetted?

The second level of security is between the glass and the rope. People who are allowed here have proven themselves in some aspects to handle with care but are not completed trusted to be able to touch the actual  painting. For our life, this could be family members that we see at family gatherings and talk to catch up with. We let them in on things happening in our life but we don't open up about deep personal issues. Do you have people in your life that are good for you at an arms distance? Do they have the potential of not handling your heart with care? 

The most obvious and superficial layer is only being allowed to stand behind the rope. This layer is for those that simply observe from a far. We know these people do not have the knowledge to properly handle the Mona Lisa. This is why they are to stay away. Breaching that level of security posses a threat to the integrity of the art piece. They have the potential to devalue the art piece by their mishandling. Do you have people that should be on this outer layer of security in the first or second layer? Do you feel the security of your heart is protected?

You are prized, therefore, you need boundaries. Not everyone should be given the key to your heart. Not every one should be able to touch you. Friends, family and significant others should be vetted. We are not valuable because we have so many people round us. We are simply value because Christ created and died for us. The difference between us and the painting is when boundaries are breached and damaged we don't loose our value. Thank God! 

Wish Me Love 💚


  1. Excellent. Again. Thank you for sharing your gift.

  2. Wow! Thank you Vashti for this powerful word! I seem to think along the same lines. Boundaries. They are important! I equate friendships at the same level as the "Tabernacle." There is an outer court (associates) the inner court (one good friend who i may share intimate conversations with) and the holy of holiest (this should not exceed 2 people who you know you can trust and share your deepest of deep heart) keep blogging! You are a blessing!

    1. This is a great analogy as well. Thanks for the input I love it!

  3. So good! Definitely gives us readers something to think about when it comes to how we view ourselves

    1. I am constantly thinking about this to try to make sure I am respecting myself.

  4. This was so good and very true!! Thank you for sharing!!

    1. Thank you for sharing the post and be subscribed!!


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